Published by FondationCartier
pour l'art contemporain and
Xavier Barral
Art direction and design
of the catalog of the exhibition
Autophoto présentée à
la Fondation Cartier from
20/04 to 24/09/2017.
This exhibition explores how
cars have shaped up our
landscape, redefined man’s
relationship to space and
time, as well as influenced
the vision of a large number
of artists.
Publication directors:
Xavier Barral and Philippe Séclier
Texts by Simon Baker, Nancy
W. Barr, Clément Chéroux,
Marc Desportes, Pascal Ory
Chronology by Alain Bublex
Interview of Alain Prost
and Jean Todt
21 x 26 cm
464 pages
600 photographies
Available in English and
French editions
10 000 copies
See also

Published by FondationCartier
pour l'art contemporain and
Xavier Barral
Art direction and design
of the catalog of the exhibition
Autophoto présentée à
la Fondation Cartier from
20/04 to 24/09/2017.
This exhibition explores how
cars have shaped up our
landscape, redefined man’s
relationship to space and
time, as well as influenced
the vision of a large number
of artists.
Publication directors:
Xavier Barral and Philippe Séclier
Texts by Simon Baker, Nancy
W. Barr, Clément Chéroux,
Marc Desportes, Pascal Ory
Chronology by Alain Bublex
Interview of Alain Prost
and Jean Todt
21 x 26 cm
464 pages
600 photographies
Available in English and
French editions
10 000 copies